Solar For NonProfits

Keeping the lights on is a major concern for many nonprofits in California. With some of the most expensive electricity rates in the country, California nonprofits spend a significant amount of time trying to manage electricity costs that keep climbing, all while trying to carry out their mission to serve the community.

Installing solar panels on your nonprofit property is a decision with tangible benefits. When you are ready to upgrade to solar energy, turn to TENCO SOLAR.

An aerial view of a warehouse with Solar panels on the roof.

Some nonprofits we've worked with:

Advantages Of Solar Energy For Nonprofit Organizations

California nonprofits that switch to energy generated by solar panels will enjoy three key benefits that make the investment worth it:

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More For The Mission

Eliminating costly electric bills frees up hard-to-come-by funds you can use to further your cause.

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Beat Rising Costs

Electricity is consistently becoming more expensive and a bigger burden for nonprofits. Going solar means having predictable energy costs and not having to build increases into budgets that are already tight.

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Improve Optics

Going solar can improve an organization’s reputation in the community and regionally. Overall, the commitment to sustainability may become a long-term booster of donations.

An aerial view of solar panels on a commercial building roof.

Incentives For Nonprofits Going Solar

The greatest barrier to California nonprofits switching to solar is funding the project on tight budgets. Until recently, a lack of tax liability prevented nonprofits from receiving the federal tax incentive for solar — but that has changed. Since the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), nonprofits now qualify for a 30% credit for the total cost of the system.

Nonprofits are also able to qualify for additional savings, including:

  • 10% for systems installed on tribal land or in low-income areas.

  • 10% for systems installed in qualified Energy Communities, including all of Kern, Los Angeles, Orange, Solano, Sutter, Ventura, and Yuba counties.

  • 10% for systems that are built with domestic content.

A sunny Photo of a chevy pickup truck with the TENCO SOLAR logo on the side.  Two workers climb onto a roof
Why Us


At TENCO SOLAR, we appreciate the work it takes to keep your nonprofit achieving its goals. If energy stability, lowered costs, and a reputation for climate-friendliness are part of your vision, we’re here to help make them a reality with solar energy.

Our 20+ years of experience and focused attention to customer service set us apart from the competition and make us the ideal solar company to make system design and installation easy for nonprofits like yours.

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Contact TENCO SOLAR for more information about the steps and processes we follow to ensure that each commercial solar project we install exceeds your highest expectations.

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700 N Valley St, Suite C, Anaheim, CA 92801